Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anglers Find Relief with Ultrasonic Cleaners for Fishing Reel Cleaning

Getting the best out of your sport fishing equipment means regular maintenance work on them. This includes taking the equipment apart and cleaning them. Fishing reels especially, have a tendency of getting dirt caked on them. This is both from the lubricating grease used on it as well as from continuous exposure to water. An ultrasonic cleaner is the ideal means of spotlessly cleaning fishing reels.  However a certain amount of care has to be taken in choosing the right unit.

Before you get to the cleaning part it is essential to understand the effect of various elements on fishing equipment. The salts in seawater can adhere to the mechanisms and lead to clogging and jamming. Depending on the levels of exposure, some of these salts can also be corrosive. If ignored, they can lead to rusting as well as damage of the piece. Fishing reels face similar issues in fresh water as well. The difference here is that there are a lot of algae and bacteria to deal with. In addition, sand, silt as well as dead fish scales can lead to residual build-up that can jam parts.

The physics behind ultrasonic cleaners involves high frequency sound waves being used to create millions of microscopic bubbles in a cleaning solvent . Since these bubbles are tiny, they reach places that would normally not be possible to reach with wires, brushes, and other manual cleaning tools. When these bubbles implode, each bubble releases energy that dislodges dirt from the surface.  Though the force created is strong, the cleaning is thorough and gentle. Ultrasonic cleaners are a preferred means of cleaning since they do not involve manual cleaning or the use of additional cleaning implements like brushes etc.  Apart from the time saving, what you get is fishing reels that is cleaned to a superior degree compared to anything that can be accomplished manually.

Ultrasonic cleaners come in various shapes and sizes and suit a wide range of uses. While there is no exclusive fishing reel cleaning ultrasonic cleaner certain pointers have to be kept in mind when choosing one. Ultrasonic cleaners come with built-in transducers. These are what generate the power in the cleaning tank. However, in smaller units, like those used for jewellery cleaning, the energy created may not be strong enough to handle the grit on fishing reels. Low cost units may not give you the power you need to rid of the stubborn contaminants sticking to your reel. Also, even if you do end up using a low power machine you will need to it multiple times which could result in overheating of the unit and consequently damage it permanently.

The ideal ultrasonic cleaner for fishing reels would be one that can be run for extended periods.  This would mean units that can run nonstop for half hour or more. As a general rule of thumb, check the maximum timer setting.  Those suited for cleaning fishing reels should support a setting of 30 minutes or more.  Lower than that usually indicates an ultrasonic cleaner designed for milder cleaning.

Another aspect you have to look out for is the shape and size of the cleaning tank.  For fishing reels, rectangular shaped baskets are the best. This is because the parts can be adequately spread out in the tank and the cleaning process is thus uniform.  When you are shopping for an ultrasonic cleaning unit make sure that your biggest reel fits comfortably in the tank.  Also ensure that it will be fully immersed when filled with the cleaning solvent .

Ultrasonic cleaning ensures that the elaborate mechanisms of your fishing gear remain in great shape .  If you are a serious angler this is essential for a pleasurable experience when you go out on those long fishing trips.

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