Monday, April 18, 2011

Yorkshire Dales Fly Fishing Report

Nothing much to report this last week or so as regards actually fishing being too tied up with business things to get out w/c 21st February.

All last week I was down in Wales and Devon visiting our fishing guides on the Rivers Severn, Wye, Usk and Taw, unfortunately there was no time to wet a line. The only time I spent on the rivers was having quick guided tour of the various beats they use for our clients which was very useful. The main advantage in doing this is that it gives me a much better picture of exactly what both the fishing and surrounding countryside are like which of course I can then relay to our potential clients. In addition and equally as useful is having first hand experience of stopping at some of the hotels we recommend.

Although I have fished on majority of the rivers and beats in the many of the areas we cover clearly it would take several lifetimes to fish every inch of water.

With the grayling fishing season finishing in a weeks time, spring finally in the air and the beginning of the trout season in under three weeks time I can’t wait to be out virtually every day on a river or lake guiding or teaching with this winter well behind us. I have to say with well over forty years experience of fishing the Dales rivers in the winter for grayling I have never know the fishing as bad as it’s been this winter, even when the rivers were fishable the fishing has been, to say the least, mediocre.

I have three people out on the Ure this Friday and although I don’t expect a bonanza hopefully things will have improved enough to give them a decent chance of a fish or two which to be honest is really all you can expect at this time of year

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